Haven’t heard of it? Well, here you go.
I give you, the Gambler 500.
Imagine: Burning Man (kinda) but with incredibly wondrous sub-$500-valued cars running through a timed track. Yeah, think about that for a minute.
Okay, now add just two honor-bound rules.
clean up the land.
Don’t be a dick.
Also, everyone drives these cars TO the event; The Gambler, indeed.
Here was my experience.
We started off our trip in a traditional Gambler way; giving a jump to a person in need. I mean it - this is the kind of thing Gamblers are all about. If someone needs help, you help them.
After that we were right back on the road. The Gambler 500 is definitely the end destination here, but that doesn’t mean we shot for warp speed. A large part of this event is taking the time to clean up litter along the way. Appreciate what is around you - and we certainly did. Also, here's our car we brought.

I don’t think I was ready to see that.
Not the first or last time I said that during the trip, and each time it was something more hilarious.
We stopped for beer and food at a wonderful bar pretty close to camp. All up and down the road was car after car after car which, upon seeing them, I repeatedly said “Are you serious?” They were incredible, I’m sure my team (the people you travel to the event with) could hear my jaw hit the pavement as we were walking around. To do them justice though, you’ve got to see them in their natural habitat.

Yeah. That one was a zombie apocalypse response vehicle. These things were magnificent. I mean, “creative” does not begin to describe the works of art in front of me. My favorite part to think about was whether the car was purchased like that, or if the team played autowrecker after it was purchased. Sometimes it was easier to tell than others, but either way I was fortunate enough to see them.
There were musical performances. There were tents. Beer. More incredible cars. Dust, dust, and dust. Facemasks or bandanas were necessary if you didn’t want to have a super dry throat, or you know, trouble breathing. And all of it was excellent.
if you see yourself in one of my photos, I hope that you had a freaking good time like me and that you don’t mind being in here.

This is my team.
The day started off as it did for many other Gamblers; looking for replacement parts to the car in which our arrival to camp with zero breakdowns was somehow a reality we experienced the day before. It’s a beater, but it is our beater.
Always Be Gamblin’.
We headed to a yard to begin our search for an alternator, which I am pretty convinced we killed by charging a phone for twenty minutes. Luckily we brought a Subaru and we found ourselves in a veritable Subie graveyard. It took a bit of searching but we found what we needed.

Alright, you’ve made it through all my blabbering. Here’s what you really wanted - unfathomably interesting-looking cars running through a dirt track competing for time, and some more from the ride home. Enjoy.
(tap/click to see the whole photo)
Another party, sleep, clean up. Like no one was there.
It was remarkable how quickly everyone packed everything up. I will say, I definitely regret not having a tiny chair for while we were at camp.
What a glorious weekend. I encourage everyone that likes cars, beer, dirt, and/or NASCAR to go to this at least once; you will meet the most pleasant people on earth and see some of the most unique cars out there, all in the name of getting outdoors and doing only slightly dangerous things in a well-controlled environment. If you want to know more about The Gambler 500, you can check it out here.
There will most certainly be a next time for me. I would love to hear from you, though. Have you ever gone? What are some of your most memorable/crazy/holy [redacted expletive] moments?