I was asked to join a Fall photo contest; WUT. Here's my entry!

Man, things are getting kinda crazy. Here's the latest update from dis guy. 🤘💪

If you asked me 5 years ago if I thought I'd have people reaching out to me to contribute a picture I took to a contest for business exposure, I'd have giggled a little and said, "that'd be pretty rad but no, not a chance". 

IT HAPPENED. And I could not have done it without the support and love of my friends, family, and fans. I have fans! 🙏 ✌️🎉

Anyways, here's the picture I submitted.

I didn't know there was going to be a watermark needed, so I added the one we use for our Broken Pixel Photography stuff. Nothing wrong with a little bit of cross brand fusion. 

I didn't know there was going to be a watermark needed, so I added the one we use for our Broken Pixel Photography stuff. Nothing wrong with a little bit of cross brand fusion. 

My friend and her pup were so great on this shoot! When I messaged her asking if I could use this photo, she was super excited about it. Just look at that freaking puppy. I think that I took at least 10,000,233 photos. 

I had some trouble with editing out some of the highlights, but overall I am super happy with how it turned out. I didn't want to over saturate at risk of making it look manufactured. Aside from brightening up a bit of things and your standard resize/cropping/straightening, this image is largely unedited. *coolface*

I did have some runner ups in terms of other shots to submit; Here are a couple that I really liked, but were barely edged out by the one above:


anyone ever submit a photo for a contest before? This was my first one (hopefully more to come!) and I'd love to hear about your experience! 

See you guys next week!